RRH In the News...
Nightstalker Interview With Orlando Harding #BaltimoreComicCon 2016
September 12, 2016
Red Riding Hood #4-#5 ComicWow! Review

February 22, 2016
Red Riding Hood is a classic story that, hopefully, all of us have heard at some point or another. Orlando Harding, however, takes this classic tale and twists it into a story of growing up, mythical creatures, gore, and overall epic proportions.
For anyone who missed out on issues #1#3, dont worry. Heres a quick refresher to make sure youre caught up:

November 11, 2015
The cover: Sydney Woodman stares strongly at the reader, determined to make her mark on her heritage. If only she looked behind her she might see the gigantic wolf rearing up to strike. There’s a whole lot to like about this cover. The first is the logo. I admit I was wondering what the logo would look like for a character who was the heir to Red Riding Hood; it could be disastrous. I don’t know who designed this, but it looks great. I really like that the first R looks like a character wearing a red hood, and the jagged edges of the letters give it an ominous vibe. It makes the premise instantly cool with only three letters. The illustration features a really strong looking Sydney. She looks like she’s ready to kick some major butt with that intense look on her face, and her windswept hair only makes her look that much cooler. Behind her, just below the logo, is a ferocious looking wolf. I’m a huge fan of werewolf stories and films, so it takes a lot to impress me: Andres Esparza impressed me. The maw stands out, the mottled hair is great, and the coloring is tops. This is the perfect way to introduce this title and this character to readers. Overall grade: A
Indie Recommendation

October 12, 2015
Turns out Little Red Riding Hood was real.
"I don't know if I'm ready for all of this ... it's crazy."
Fate and destiny are all readers really need to understand as they open up Orlando Harding's RRH #1, published by First Comics. Meet Sydney Woodman, just your normal 17-year old girl, with a little brother who has bad breath, and two pretty cool parents it would seem. Of course, nothing is ever as it seems. Sydney is about to find out that her life is going to change from hanging out with her girlfriends talking about boys, curfews, tests and more to protecting mankind from those that go bump in the night.

Indie Interview
thebronzereview.comOctober 12, 2015
Orlando Harding is a full-time substance abuse counselor by day, and a published comic book writer on night and weekends.

Review: R.R.H. Vol. 1 by Orlando Harding
By Estefany "Seattle Slim" Gonzalez
August 29, 2015
Orlando Harding gives the tale of Little Red Riding Hood a modern, kickass twist in R.R.H. via First Comics and Devil's Due.

Indie Spotlight: R.R.H.
By Daniel Hickey, FA Comics
May 6, 2014
Typically when you think of little Red Riding Hood, you think of the fairy tale of a sweet little girl who goes through the woods to her grandmother's house, to find the big bad wolf waiting for her. In R.R.H. a similar version of that still applies, but what if little Red Riding Hood was not a fairy tale after all, and her decedents have been in a never ending battle with the werewolves ever since. First Comics poses this possibility in their series R.R.H.

Devil's Due/1First Comics R.R.H. delivers the goods dressed in a red hood
By Mark Turner, Oakland Comic Books Examiner
July 20, 2015
Quite often our fairy tales and fables play upon something in the human psyche that is primordial and visceral. Playing with themes of the innocent set upon by sinister forces, these stories paint a grim and shadowy portrait of the world we live in. As humankind races into the future and technology transports us farther and farther away from these quaint tales that were once told by the fireside, we view them as being curious oddities with little relevance to the world that we live in today. But, if we stand still long enough and listen, the echoes of these stories still can stir that part of us that looks to and fears the dark. Devil's Due/1First Comics R.R.H (Red Riding Hood) series written and created by Orlando Harding (Night Stalker, Pariah) returns to the dusty story of the girl in the red hood preyed upon by the big bad lycanthrope and updates the tale for a modern audience. Working with Andres Esparaza (winner of the 1First Comics talent search contest), Mr. Harding manages to create a something that rings with a sense of "de ja vu" that is strangely fresh, exciting and original. The story centers on Sydney, a high school student who discovers her strange and terrible legacy on her 17th birthday and how her family heritage all ties into the legend of Little Red Riding Hood. Yes, there are such things as big bad wolves...werewolves to be exact, and they are looking for a little ancestral payback to Red's bloodline for centuries of annihilation. As she learns more about her heritage and the legacy that she is destined to inherit, a hidden set of powers are awakened in her and prove to be a skill set she will need to survive the horrors that sinister forces have in store for her. She is a slayer with a sword and she isn't afraid to use it.

R.R.H. #2 & #3 ComicWow! Review
By Bhavna Baksh
July 14, 2015
We all know Red Riding Hood as the innocent girl taking a basket of treats for her grandmother, who gets surprised and attacked by the evil werewolf of the woods. We've also all wished that some stories would come to life. Red Riding Hood typically isn't one of them, but it's Sydney Woodman's reality. R.R.H. #3 recently came out, but to be honest, I hadn't read #2 yet. I figured, why not put two issues into one review?

Month of African-American Comics - R.R.H. #1
by Brian Cronin
Comic Book Resources
February 19, 2015
All this month Ill be reviewing different comic books by African-American creators, based on submissions from the actual creators of the comic books themselves. Check out the archive to see what books have been spotlighted so far.
Today we look at R.R.H. #1 by Orlando Harding (creator/writer), Andres Esparza (penciler), Ulises Curiel (inker) and Kyle David Ritter and Steve Cobb (colorists)

R.R.H. #1 Review
July 26, 2014
By Rik Offenberger
Everyone knows the story of Little Red Riding Hood from childhood. Orlando Harding, of Nightstalker fame, and #1First Comics have a brand new take on the Red Riding Hood story in their new comic R.R.H.
Sydney is the ninth generation grand daughter of the Original Red Riding Hood. On her 17th Birthday she discovers her lineage.
KYMA 11 Interview at SDCC 2014
July 25, 2014

Orlando Harding and R.R.H. bring a new take on a classic tale
Mark Turner
Oakland Comic Books Examiner
April 22, 2014
Orlando Harding keeps the hits coming with his latest release through First Comics entitled R.R.H. Mr. Harding took time out of his busy Con schedule to share a bit about this new fantasy/horror title and some really cool developments that are brewing around this new release.